a. A well- equipped Central Library with Open Access System is available for use to all students of the college. Beside more than 15,000 books, students can also access academic journals, periodicals and important dailies. The students can avail Reading and Lending facilities by paying library fees and library deposit (refundable) at the time of admission that entitles them to a Reading and Lending Card respectively. Online resources through INFLIBNET & NLIST are also available to all students and staff-members. The Library remains open on weekdays from 10am to 5pm.
b. Beside Central Library, all students of the college are also entitled to use of Departmental Library and Remedial Library, pertaining to all departments of the college. Students should maintain proper discipline and silence in library.
c. Library also offers online resources, links of which are available in website, Library section.
d. The Benutosh Guha Corner for Competitive Examinations & Self Reliance has been set up in fond memory of our Founder-Principal Prof Benutosh Guha and assists students to prepare for career-oriented courses and competitive exams
e. The College has institutional membership with British Council Library and American Centre Library, where students can borrow books, periodicals, CDs and access online resources.
2. Stipend / Fees Concession:
a. Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribe students are granted stipend by the S.C. & S. T. Welfare Department, Govt. of West Bengal. Maheshtala Municipality makes necessary application forms availab1e to the College and eligible students can collect the same from college office within a notified date and also to submit filled up forms within a specified date. Students eligible for SC / ST stipend are advised to maintain regular contact with college office.
b. Kanyashree & Aikyashree scholarships are also provided to deserving students by arranging necessary application forms with the respective government departments. Other scholarships, if applied for individually by the students, are also processed and facilitated by college office.
c. Concessions in Tuition Fees for general category students are granted by the college in deserving cases in the form of concession in tuition fees (half or full). Notification is issued by the college inviting application supported by documentary evidence regarding family income. Concession is granted on fulfillment of certain criteria, such as-
Regular attendance in classes, according to Calcutta University Rules.
Good and consistent academic performance
Good conduct
Recommendation of subject teachers
Fees concession may also be accorded to deserving sports persons at the sole discretion of the Governing Body. Concession form Students' Aid Fund is also allowed in deserving cases.
3. Vidya Amritam Scholarships:
Total forty in number – offered by teachers & staff (both present and former) to deserving students of all departments of the college who have shown brilliant scholarship, excelled in sports or any other extra-curricular activities, fought/fighting against hardships and yet bravely striving on, or all-rounders who make their mark in academics as well as in extra-curricular activities.
These prizes, mostly cash awards as well as book awards, are given on 11th November every year – the Foundation Day of the college by the donors in memory of their departed loved ones to their dear students
4. Cafeteria/Canteen: There is a Canteen offering healthy food at subsidized rate to students, with Drinking Water fountain. Students can also enjoy their tiffin at the cafeteria.
5. Drinking Water: Water coolers & dispensers are installed in both the ground floor and first floor
6. Cycle Stand: A spacious cycle stand in the campus has been provided for the students for keeping their cycles during college hours. However, the students should note that they have to keep their cycles or other vehicles at their own risk. The college authority shall not take any responsibility in case of any theft / damage of their vehicles.
7. Playground: Local Diamond Club has a playground behind Sudhir Chandra Bhandari Memorial Block. College uses the ground for Annual sports, athletic meets and outdoor games. There are also carom boards, chess and other indoor games.
8. Gym: There is a well-equipped Gym in the first-floor of the Library Building, just above the Canteen.
9. Sanitary Napkin Vending Machine: Keeping in mind the personal hygiene of our girl-students, vending machine has been installed near girls’ restroom.
10. Ramp & restrooms for differently abled: To ease movement of differently abled students, ramps & restrooms for differently-abled students (both boys and girls) have been provided in the college.
11. Computer Training: College authority is making provision for compulsory computer training for all enrolled students. All enrolled students will have to take compulsory computer training of one-year duration on payment of prescribed fees. If they like, they can opt for advanced courses offered by the college computer Centre.
12. Excursion & Outing: Individual departments organize excursion and educational tours for their students to various historical and interesting places, in addition to the Annual Excursion organized by the Student's Union. Students visited State Archaeological Museum and Jorashanko Thakurbaari in last two excursions.
13. Ladies Hostel: The College has a Ladies Hostel, funded from financial assistance of the UGC.
14. Common Room : Separate Common Rooms for Boys and girls are present. There are provisions for recreational activities in these common rooms.
15. Students' Health Home: The College is affiliated to the Students' Health Home at Moulali. Students can avail medical facilities and specialized treatment there.
16. Laboratories: The College has some fully equipped Laboratories for the Departments of geography, Computer Science, Chemistry, Physics and Journalism.
Geography Laboratory is equipped with GIS facility, surveying instruments, Satellite imaging and aerial photographing equipments and other advanced equipments.
Computer Science Laboratory has several computers with modern configurations, Windows server, digital kits, microprocessor kits and modem software. Projects are displayed through LED TV s.
Chemistry Laboratory is equipped, in addition to basic equipments, with pH meter, distillation apparatus, Kipp's apparatus, Melting point bath, centrifuge and other equipments, in accordance to latest C.U. syllabus.
The Physics Laboratory is also well-equipped with latest apparatu
The Journalism Laboratory has Sony PD 175 Professional Video camera, Nikon D90 DLSR camera with lens & accessories, latest video and photo-editing software, lights and other allied resources, as well latest journals to facilitate hands on training and development for students.
17. Fire extinguisher arrangements: For ensuring safety of all stakeholders in college premises, fire extinguishers have been installed at various points in the campus.
18. First-Aid: First aid facilities are available for all students, teaching and non-teaching staff.
19. Internship & Part-time job facilities are available for all interested students.
20. Digital teaching aids: To incorporate Information of Communication Technology in classrooms, the college makes use of state-of-the-art technological equipments like Digital Visualize, Digital Annotation Sensor Interactive Pen Display, Light Screen, Hand-held Projector and more. A digital classroom is also being arranged for familiarizing students with latest educational technology.
21. Remedial Classes: Remedial classes are held to ensure academic progress for all sections of students.
22. Xerox Centre: There is a Xerox Centre in the college, operated by a former student of the college, who is speech & hearing –impaired and has severe locomotor difficulties
23. Korok Skill Incubation Centre: The College provides specific training and skill transfer programmes for students.
24. Maheshtala College Alumni Association ‘PRAKTONI’ – All former students of the college are invited to join the Alumni Association of the college, which allows them access to college library, all cultural programmes and job-oriented training programmes offered by the college
25. Vipassana Meditation programmes for stress-free lif
26. Self-defense training workshop
27. Fire-safety drills and practices for maximum security at home and workplace
28. Green, spacious and beautiful campus
29. Friendly and helpful seniors and friend
30. Ever- cooperative teachers, Librarian & staff member
31. Seminars, workshops, career guidance programs in the college, and collaborating colleges -
(See Linkages)
32. Maheshtala College fest SAMPURNAA –Held in the first week of March every year for six to seven days, where celebrities, renowned personalities, academicians deliver lectures, different competitions are held, film shows are organised, and a host of infotainment programmes are organised
33. Anweshan – Annual College Magazine, for those who have are gifted with writing skills, drawing and sketching skills, photography and the likes.
34. Intellect Us – College Multi-Disciplinary Journal where teachers and serious students can contribute their research articles, published annually.
35. Internships and Part time job opportunities for students who need them.
36. Kasturi Das Memorial Lecture Series, in fond memory Late Smt. Kasturi Das, MLA of Maheshtala and President of the Governing Body for two consecutive terms.