eligibility criteria

A candidate who has passed the Higher Secondary (10+2) or its equivalent Examination is eligible to seek admission to the 1st Semester of First Year of the 3-year B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. (Hons./General) Course of Studies provided he/she has also passed in English having full marks not being less than 100.
Candidates who have passed the Higher Secondary (10+2) Vocational examination conducted by the West Bengal State Council of Vocational Education and Training shall be eligible to seek admission to the B.A.(General) 1st year Course of Studies taking the subjects under Humanities Division only.
However, candidates who have passed the aforesaid H.S. Examination in Business & Commerce shall also be eligible for admission to the B.Com. (General) 1st year Course of Studies under this University.
No candidate shall be allowed for admission after a lapse of more than 5 years from the year of passing the previous qualifying examination or discontinuation of recognized regular Course of Studies after passing the previous qualifying examination.
(Explanation: The year of admission shall not be taken into account while calculating five years from the year of passing the previous qualifying Examination).
For the purpose of determining eligibility for admission to the Honours Course, aggregate marks shall be calculated by adding the marks in top-four subjects in order of marks secured by a candidate. However, marks in compulsory Environmental Education/ Studies shall not be taken into account for calculation of aggregate marks. If the subject ‘Environmental Science’ is studied as an elective subject of 100 marks, it may be taken into account for the purpose of determining the aggregate marks at the discretion of authorities concerned.
A candidate taking up Honours Course in a subject must have obtained:
A minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate and 45% marks in the subject or related subjects at the previous qualifying examination.
55% marks in the subject or related subjects at the previous qualifying examination.
50% marks in the aggregate when the candidate has not studied the subject in his/her previous qualifying examination provided all other clauses are satisfied.