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Smt. Ratna Chattopadhyay
Social worker and philanthropist

Dr. Rumpa Das
Ex Officio Secretary to GB

Dr. Phalguni Mukherjee
State Government nominee

Dr. Tilak Chatterjee
Calcutta University nominee
Principal, Bankim Sardar College

Sri Tapas Chakraborty
State Government nominee

Dr. Arpita Nandy Mondal
Calcutta University nominee
Principal, Panchla Mahavidyalaya

Prof. Ajijur Rahaman Mallick
Teachers’ Representative
Assistant Professor, Dept of Mathematics
Dr. Satyajit De
Teachers’ Representative
Assistant Professor, Dept of Computer Science
Dr. Deepa Bhattacharyya
Teachers’ Representative
Assistant Professor, Dept of Geography

Sri Supratip Dey
Non teaching staff Representative
Laboratory Attendant, Dept of Geography
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