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Institutional Distinctiveness >>>
In the successive Gender Audits conducted since 2011, it has been revealed that the number of girl students in the college is more than the state and the national average. More than fifty per cent of the girls belong to minority, economically disadvantaged and reserved categories. Academic performance of girls in the final examination far outshines that of the boys. Some girls travel more than 40 kilometres daily to reach the college, in spite of the presence of neighbouring colleges . All these indicate that the college has been able to win the trust of the girl-students and their families. In this age where newspapers and channels keep sharing news about atrocities on women to keep them marginalized, Maheshtala College has provided an academic environment that is safe, inclusive and empowering for women. The Vision and Mission of the college to ensure education, equity, empowerment, excellence and to ensure equal opportunity for all have been realized. Initiatives such as Sampurnaa, the weeklong festival to commemorate International Women’s day, the Vidya Amritam and the Kanyashri scholarships, health camps focusing on nutrition and reproductive health of girl-students, have deeply and postively impacted the majoritarian presence of girls in Maheshtala College

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