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Maheshtala College, Kolkata
Suchismita Neogi
SACT, Department of English.
M.A., B.Ed, M. Phil. (English).
Joined Institute on 04.08.2016
Permanent Address:
Maheshtala College, Budge Budge Trunc Road, Maheshtala, Kolkata-700139
Local Address:
Maheshtala College, Budge Budge Trunc Road, Maheshtala, Kolkata-700139
Phone (Office):
Phone (Residence):
Work Experience
09 years
Professional Background
Teaching Experience
Name of the Organization
Duration of Wiork
Maheshtala College
August, 2016 - continuing
Research Areas
Dalit Literature, Partition Literature.
1. Colonialism After Decolonisation: The Fanon Perspective, co-author: Abidita Goswami, Journal of theDepartment of English, Maulana Azad College, March 2015, Volume-4, ISSN No. 22498737.
2. To Be or Not to Be: Education Answers the Question, Challenges in Indian Education in 21st Century,Aheli Publishers, July 2016, ISBN: 81-89169-60-2
3. Women of Steel Amidst Tropical Maladies, Imperial Maladies: Literature on Healthcare andPsychoanalysis in India, Nova Science Pub: New York, 2017, ISBN 9:/3/75833/:"*gDqqm.
4. Toru Dutt : A Sheaf Gleaned in Multiculturalism, co-author: Shreya Chakravorty, Visages of IndianWriting in English : Poetry and Fiction, Avenel Press, February 2017, ISBN 978-9380736-61-7
5. Narayan's Orchestra in Bleats and Neighs: Lingual Exchange in A Horse and Two Goats, Visages ofIndian Writing in English: Poetry and Fiction, Avenel Press, February 2017, ISBN978-93-80736-61-7
Symposium/Conference Publications
Text and Reference Books
Member of Professional Bodies
Sponsored Research Projects
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