Department of Economics
A one day seminar on “Know our SAARC neighbours: Pakistan and Bangladesh” organised by the departments of Economics and Political Science on 22nd February, 2019.
Felicitation to our guest speakers Dr. Debashis Majumdar and Prof. Prabal Dasgupta by our Principal Dr. Rumpa Das and the faculties of Economics and Political Science department.
Industry visit along with Commrece department " Indian Chain Pvt. Ltd." on 3rd October, 2018
The department of Economics along with the department of Commerce conducted an Industrial visit to “Indian Chain Pvt. Ltd” on 3rd October, 2018. Students from both the departments participated in the industrial visit. The visit was an enriching experience for the students, who got to know different aspects related to chain production; from collection of raw materials to other different stages of production and finally export of produced goods to different regions within and outside India. The whole industrial visit programme was a successful one in adding up to the student’s practical knowledge related to their respective subjects. After the conclusion of the industrial visit, the students submitted a report on their experiences about the whole visit to “Indian Chain Pvt. Ltd”.